Nordisk Utgard 北歐巨人山屋


One tent, one story

Nordisk tent

Nordisk Utgard 13.2

熊帳 🍯 北歐巨人山屋

營內提供移動式冷氣及電源 Air conditioner and electricity are supplied
查詢體驗日期 Enquiry of available date︰
預約表格 Reservation form︰


在北歐神話中,Utgard (Old Norse: Útgarðar)  意指域外之地 (Outyards),巨人一族的國度,也是巨人君主的行宮

In the myth of Scandinvia, Utgard (Old Norse: Útgarðar) means Outyards,The country of the giant clan, as well as the palace of the giant king.

起源於1901年,Nordisk 前身是一家名為 Northern Feather 的丹麥公司,是第一家完全專注在 Downs and feathers 羽絨的丹麥公司。 

到了上世紀60年代,Nordisk 開始涉足戶外用品市場,並成為了歐洲戶外的領軍品牌之一。 

Founded in 1901, Nordisk was formerly a Danish company called Northern Feather. It is the first Danish company to focus entirely on "down and feathers".

In the 1960s, Nordisk began to enter the outdoor products market and became one of the leading outdoor brands in Europe.

時至今日,Nordisk 美侖美奐的多款白色科技棉帳,已經成為 Glamping 營地的首選營帳,更在歐洲以外的日本等地大受露營玩家歡迎。

 Nordisk's beautiful white technical cotton tents have become the first choice for glamping campsites nowadays, and are very popular among the camping players in many places outside of Europe such as Japan, Taiwan


 Nordisk Utgard 北歐巨人山屋體驗  

Nordisk Utgard 帳蓬內有著極為寛趟的空間,可以輕鬆站立及活動。
There is an extremely wide space inside the tent, making it easy to stand and move around.
 Nordisk Utgard 帳篷的佈置上,我們採用最具質感的設計師品牌,搜羅自日本、台灣、歐美多地,既舒適又充滿美感,
In the decoration of the Nordisk Utgard tent, we use the most high-quality designer brands from Japan, Taiwan, Europe and the United States, which are both comfortable and aesthetic.

The outdoor dinner in front of the Nordic tent will make you feel like you are living a day in the life of a Nordic giant monarch.


Perfect for birthdays and anniversaries! (The decoration in the picture below is arranged by the guest)


價錢: $2,200 (包二人及一泊車)

加人每位: $500 最多可加至6


平日優惠(日至四非公眾假期及前夕) $1650/2 


Price: $2,200 / 2ppl & 1 car parking

Extra ppl: $500 each (Max 6 people)

Weekday Promotion (Sun to Thur not included public holiday & its eve) : $1650/2 ppl



  • Nordisk Utgard 13.2 Tent
  • 天幕 Tarp
  • 露營桌 Camping table
  • 露營椅 Camping chair
  • 煮食爐 Gas stove
  • 燒烤爐 BBQ pit
  • 餐具 Tableware & cutlery 
  • 調味料 Seasoning 
  • 冰桶 Ice bucket 
  • 營燈 Camping light
  • 床褥及被鋪 Set of bedding 
  • 氣氛燈 String lights
  • 移動冷氣 Portable air conditioner
  • 家用電源 Electricity supplies
  • 桌上遊戲 Board game 


1. 煮食爐會贈送Gas 一支; BBQ爐不包炭和叉。

2. 請客人自行帶備個人衛生物品,如牙膏牙刷、毛巾 等等

3. 客人可自備食物或找我們代訂露營燒烤Package (請提前5天與我們預訂)

4. 基於清潔理由,暫時不接受寵物入帳。

5. 入營時需繳交按金$500

6. 入場時間:3:00pm, 離場時間:12:00pm


1. We will provide one gas for each group of customer; BBQ charcoal & fork will not be included. Customer may purchase in the campsite. 

2. Please bring your own personal hygiene items, such as toothpaste, toothbrush, towels, etc.

3. Customers can bring their own food or book a BBQ food package through us (please contact us at least 5 days in advance)

4. Due to cleaning reasons, pets are temporarily not accepted. 

5. A security deposit is required at check-in: $500

6. Check in: 3:00pm, Check out: 12:00pm


查詢及預約 Enquiry & Reservation:

WhatsApp 69304334 


* * *
The North Face Geodome4 私人花園派對:

Ogawa Type52R 人氣小山屋體驗:




    豪華露營. 露營美學. 特色露營. 露營派對.

    Glamping. Staycation.